10 Warning Signs To Move WordPress site to New Host Today!

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Web hosting service is paramount when comes to your commercial growth. A poor hosting can have an adverse effect on your website performance and harm your company. You can’t afford to compromise; after all, it’s all about the business that you’ve worked so hard for. You want to move WordPress site to a better host as soon as possible!

Is Your Host Harming Your Business?

move wordpress site

Did you know that your poor hosting is harming your business, frustrating your customers and negatively affecting your brand reputation? Shared web hosting plays culprit in most of the cases and leads to many problems such as:

  • Lower Revenue
  • Security Issues
  • Unexpected 404 Error
  • Bad Site Management
  • Slower Website Speed
  • Poor Brand Reputation

Companies generally opt for shared hosting due to its lower cost and easy availability. The truth is bitter. If you observe closely, you will find yourself paying equal or even more than the managed web hosting cost, in the long run.

Thus, if you’re using a shared web hosting, it’s time to move WordPress site to a newer, better host.

A poor shared hosting is capable to downrank you on search engines, and lead to business loss. You face unexpected downtimes and your revenue is also ebbing. It’s an alarm to change your host right away.

Need more reasons to leave your current hosting and move WordPress site to a good host? Here are the top 10 reasons to migrate:

10 Signs to Move WordPress Site

  1. Unexpected Downtime
  2. Poor Website Performance
  3. Security Compromised
  4. Outgrowing your Resources
  5. PHP Limitations
  6. Customer Loss
  7. Lacking Customer Support
  8. Exhausted Storage Allocation
  9. No Daily Backups
  10. Late Updates

Let’s dive deeper!

1. Unexpected Downtime

Whenever your site goes down, it’s a grim news for you. Unexpected downtime (no matter how short-lasting they are) can be irritating and baleful. It’s a clear sign of the carelessness of your current host who’s not providing the right services to you, and not taking care of your needs.

To check your site regular uptime performance, you can install plugins for site uptime monitoring and must turn to a new hosting provider if you find any downfall.

2. Poor Website Performance

Your web server host is, at a great level, responsible for your website performance.

  • This mainly includes your site speed i.e. page load time. In other words, your poor host is accountable for the turtle speed of your site that hampers your website growth. 
  • To tweak the speed, simply analyze your page load time on speed test tools such as ‘Pingdom Website Speed Test’.
  • If your site takes more than 2 seconds to load, there is no reason to stick to your existing hosting provider.
  • Your website speed is a crucial ranking parameter for Google. Thus, you can’t afford to be lagged behind from your competitors just because of the slow site speed. Here’s an ultimate list of tips to speed up WordPress.

3. Security Compromised

Poor web hosting service means poor WordPress management. 

  • The inept management further leads to security loopholes that offer hackers a golden chance to break into every nook and cranny of your website.
  • At the time of any Cyberattack, not just your business reputation suffers, but you lose your users’ trust. You never want that, right?

Why put your website security at risk when you can easily secure your site. Thus, move WordPress site to a better host today. move WordPress site

4. Outgrowing your Resources

You’re getting bigger and better. The no. of clicks your site gets is getting doubled each month and you’re planning to expand your business as you’ve outgrown your resources. Praiseworthy!

But what are you doing for data storage, RAM, bandwidth and resource management? You need to move WordPress site to a better hosting for more resources and storage.

A managed hosting provider can help you expand by providing:

  • Extended memory
  • Bandwidth
  • Data storage
  • Better management
  • SSH access
  • 24*7 customer support.

5. PHP Limitations

Ever got an error message saying ‘fatal error: memory size of “xyz” bytes exhausted’? If yes, it could be because the PHP memory limit is surpassed.

  • You can easily rectify this by altering the memory limit on the wp-config.php file on your WordPress.

The sad part?

  • Most of the shared hosting providers don’t offer such a feature.
  • If it’s the case with you, find a better host and move WordPress site immediately.
  • Look for the one that can help you upgrade to VPS or dedicated hosting with a greater built-in memory capacity.

6. Customer Loss

Frequent downtimes, sluggish website speed, and security issues are enough to frustrate your customers. They will start doubting and questioning about your company’s reputation and become least-interested in your brand. 

So, if you are losing your customers gradually and getting lesser clicks or conversions, seek for a professional ‘managed web hosting provider’ and move WordPress site to attract more visitors.

7. Lacking Customer Support

Round the clock customer support is something that your website needs. If your web hosting fails in assisting you 24*7*365, you’re with the wrong server host.

Look at it this way:

You face an issue (say a security threat) on Friday and your web host provider doesn’t work on the weekend. The help you no earlier than Monday morning.

Will you be that patient to wait till Monday? No, right?

Your website security is critical. Your whole business and reputation depend on that. A security issue can lead you to a huge loss and negatively impact your Google rankings. You don’t want to suffer all this, do you?

Thus, when you move WordPress site or look for a good web server host, 24*7 customer assistance becomes imperative. If your current host doesn’t offer you constant customer support, switch to a better hosting today!

8. Exhausted Storage Allocation

When the traffic on your blog takes a spike, or when you improve your blog with HD images and videos, you feel that your storage allocation is getting exhausted. This is somewhere also related to how the website has been designed. For example:

  • A photo blog or Vlog may consume all its disk space in a matter of months
  • A personal blog can take years as it doesn’t upload that many numbers of files.

So, down the road, you would definitely need to increase the space to host all your website files. For this, you might want to move to the new host that gives you more storage space.

9. No Daily Backups

As we always say, “backups are the real lifesavers”. Whenever you lose your data, face security threats, suspect a virus or whatsoever, a complete backup can get your back.

  • The regular backups are mandatory for your site’s health.
  • If your hosting company doesn’t provide you daily backups, you’re putting yourself at risk.
  • At the time of any hazard or sudden data loss, only a host that gives you daily backups can help.

Here’s why daily backups are really important:

move wordpress site

Be smart, move WordPress site to a host who offers daily automatic backups and puts your mind at ease.    

10. Late Updates

Updates are crucial for all aspects of online success. Late updates can take away your no.1 position and put the crown on your competitor’s head.

Can you see that? 

So, leave the poor shared hosting that sends you updates weeks later. Rather, migrate to a host that instantly suggests you with latest updates and makes your website super fast, active, and updated.

Is it the time to Migrate?

  • If your existing web host is not fulfilling your needs and you’re facing issues day in and day out, ‘Yes’ it’s time to migrate.
  • If your hosting provider is affecting the quality of service you give to your visitors, and leading to lower Google rankings, ‘Yes’ it’s time to migrate.

In short, if you are not happy with your server host performance and still paying oodles of money every month, it’s time for you to move WordPress site to a better web host, immediately.

Conclusion – Change is the ‘Need of the Hour’!

Truly said.

There’s nothing wrong if you export WordPress site to a newer, better web host that could offer you a sigh of relief with its amazing services at affordable costs.

From getting a managed website to a blazing fast speed; from bulletproof security to 100% uptime; from building the brand reputation to gaining visitors’ trust, you get everything instantly when you migrate to a new host that cares for you.

Seeking a better ‘Managed Hosting’?

You’ll definitely benefit from our guide to choosing Best-managed Host.

Breeze’ is the one-stop solution for all the problems you’re facing right now! Our Managed Hosting can help you with 100% uptime, improved security, increased speed, and round the clock customer support for a ravishing hosting experience.

Switch today!

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