How to Configure Payment Failed Email in Magento 2?

Configure Payment Failed Email in Magento 2

Are you looking to configure payment failed email in Magento 2?

The payment failed email notified the customer that the payment had failed and the order had not been placed.

Sometimes some Magento error happened, the page went white, the browser stopped working, or the Internet connection failed – the anxiety comes from the unknown of whether the payment has been made or not is serious. 

A payment failed email puts the customer in light and calms them that their card has not been charged and the funds are secure.

In this quick tutorial, we will learn to configure payment failed email in Magento 2.

Configure Payment Failed Email in Magento 2:

Follow the steps to configure payment failed email in Magento 2:

  1. Log in to the Magento admin panel
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configurations.
  3. Click on the Checkout subtab under Sales
  4. Open the Payment Failed Emails section
Payment Failed Email in Magento 2

Payment Failed Email Receiver: Choose the store contact of the email as the receiver of the message.

Payment Failed Email Sender: Choose the store contact of the email as the sender of the message.

Payment Failed Template: Choose the desired email template that is sent to registered customers.

Send Payment Failed Email Copy To: Send the payment failed emails to many people simultaneously, enter the email addresses in the field, and each one is separated by a comma.

Choose one of the sending email methods in the Payment Failed Copy Method:

  • BCC: Sends a “blind courtesy copy” by including the recipient in the header of the email sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer, and they don’t know that a copy is sent to many addresses.
  • Separate Email: Send an email copy as a different email.

Save Config to complete the Payment Failed Email configuration.

Wrap Up

A simple payment failed email prevents misunderstanding and distress. The customer may contact you to learn whether the payment has been made. So you are also saving the customer care time by sending a quick email.

Also, a copy of the email is saved as proof that the payment failed. So there will be no case of refund fraud.

I hope this quick tutorial helped you in setting the payment failed email. If you encounter an issue, leave it in the comment section.

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