How to set Locale, Language, Country in Magento 2?

How to set Locale, Language, Country in Magento 2

Are you looking to set locale, language country in Magento 2?

Adding the store information to the store gives more detail to the customer. They can learn your weekend days, operating country, tax rates, and the language you use.

In this quick tutorial we will learn how to set locale, language, country information in Magento 2.

Configuring the Locale Options

  1. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  2. Find the General Settings on the left-hand side
  3. Navigate to the Locale Options Section
set Locale, Language, Country in Magento 2
  1. Select the Timezone from the list
  2. Select the Store Language in the Locale field
  3. Set the measurement unit that is generally being used for shipments from the Locale in the Weight Unit field
  4. Choose your First Day of the Week of working in the area
  5. Select the days that are considered as Weekend Days in your region. To choose multiple days, hold the Ctrl key

Click on the Save Configuration to apply changes.

Configuring the State Options

  1. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  2. Find the General Settings on the left-hand side
  3. Navigate to the State Options Section
set Locale, Language, Country in Magento 2
  1. State is Required for: Enter the state/region that is required
  2. Choose from the options Yes or No in the Allow to Choose State if it is Optional for Country
  3. Yes: If the state field is optional to enter in the country that you have specified
  4. No: If the country omits the state option

Click on Save Config to apply the changes.

Configuring the Country Options

  1. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  2. Find the General Settings on the left-hand side
  3. Navigate to the Country Options Section
set Locale, Language, Country in Magento 2
  1. Default Country: Select the country where you are originally located
  2. Allow Countries: Choose the country you like to accept orders from
  3. Zip/Postal Code: It is Optional for the field. Pick the country names in which the zip codes are optional. 
  4. European Union Countries: Select all the nations of the European Union where you carry out trading
  5. Top Destinations: Select the prime countries of business

Click on Save Config to apply the changes.

Flush the Cache to Update Settings

You will see the changes in the front end. If the changes are not updates, flush the cache and reindex the Magento store.

It is recommended to view the changes from the incognito browser.

Wrap Up

Configuring Locale options for the Magento 2 store is a way to establish trust and improve relations with the customer.

The more customers and businesses learn about each other, the better they understand each other. That’s why asking for customer’s Date of Birth in registration form helps in sending personalize emails.

Also, setting the country and state of company is necessary for email marketing and various other tasks to run the store globally.

In this quick tutorial, we learned to set locale, language and country in Magento 2. If you encounter any issue, please leave them in the comment box.

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