How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress?

How to Duplicate Pages in WordPress (1)

Do you want to know how to duplicate a page in WordPress?

You can duplicate a page in WordPress manually, or with the help of a plugin. Making a copy of a page or post let you customize the page or post without actually changing the existing page in any way.

Duplicate Post Plugin and Post Duplicator enable a clone and duplicate button at the Page/Post section. While Bulk Duplicator creates copies of multiple posts quickly.

Reasons for Duplicating

There are various reasons to duplicate a page or post.

Maybe you do not want to create the same page structure again and again. Or you are launching a new WordPress site and would like to have a uniform style for all of your articles. 

Web designers also do not want to meddle with the original page, so they create a duplicate page and work on it.

Whatever the reason, it does not make sense to create a new post and copy-paste everything from the existing post.

That will be nor efficient nor smart.

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress Efficiently?

I this article I am going to tell all the easy and secure ways to duplicate pages in WordPress.

  1. How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress – Manual Method
  2. Best Plugins to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress
  3. Duplicate WordPress Post or Pages with Plugin

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress – Manual Method

If you want to duplicate one or a few posts, you can use this method. You do not have to install a plugin or anything.

But this method is not for duplicating dozens of posts as it will be not much efficient in that case.

Now, let’s see How to Duplicate a Page Manually.

New WordPress Editor has made it simple with its “Copy All Content” feature.

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress with Copy all Content?

Open the post or page you want to duplicate. Click on the three dots on the left corner. A menu will pop up, and at the bottom of it, you will see ‘Copy All Content’. 

Click on it.

It will show the message telling you that the content is copied.

Note: Make sure you have not selected any Block by clicking outside. Or else it will only copy the content of the selected block.

Now create a new post. Add a title, and then paste the content in the first block. Use the keyboard shortcut keys (Ctrl + V on PC and Cmd + V on Mac).

All the content of the old page is now on a new page. Now you can edit the page without affecting the original page.

This method is sufficient for a few posts or pages, but this copy-paste is not adequate for duplicating a bunch of pages.

Best Plugins to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

What makes WordPress a marvelous CMS is the availability of Plugins for all kinds of functions. The easiest way to create a copy of the page is by using a WordPress plugin.

After activating the plugin, a feature to clone the post will start appearing on the WordPress dashboard itself.

#1 Duplicate Post Plugin

Duplicate Post

Duplicate Post Plugin is undoubtedly an excellent plugin for this purpose.

It does not only make a copy of the content of the post, but it makes the copy of all the elements of the pages. Including slugs, meta titles, meta description, images, etc.…

It has smart features like adding a prefix to the copy. This plugin makes it easier to differentiate between the copy and the original page. 

How to use it:

  1. Install and Activate the Plugin
  2. Open up the Pages or Post section in the WP Dashboard
  3. You will find two new options – Clone and New Draft
  4. Clone duplicate the post; New Draft clone the post and open it up in new Editor.

#2 Duplicate Page and Post

Duplicate Page Post

It is another brilliant plugin to duplicate the post. You can easily make a copy of the posts without changing any element on the page.

  1. Install and activate the plugin
  2. Go to Pages/Posts Section
  3. You will find the Duplicate option
  4. A new post will be in the draft with the same title.

#3 Post-Duplicator

Post Duplicator

Another amazing plugin to duplicate a page in WordPress is Post-Duplicator.

This plugin copy the post, including the custom taxonomies. 

  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. You will find the ‘Duplicate Post’ option in the Post section.
  3. Click on it, and a new post will appear.

You can set the status of the new post (Published, Draft, or same as original) from the Setting.

These three plugins can quickly help you to make the replica of the post and pages in WordPress. 

However, these plugins are not that effective when it comes to duplicating entire sites.

Duplicate WordPress Post or Pages with Plugin in Bulk

WP Bulk Post Duplicator

The WP Bulk Post Duplicator Plugin lets you duplicate the number of pages and posts in one go. Instead of making a copy of individual posts, you can duplicate all the posts in one click.

You can set criteria of the posts that you want to make a copy of. Then the Bulk Post Duplicator creates the replica of all the post that falls under the criteria.

NOTE: Create a backup before using this plugin. This plugin has no updates for two years.

Effect of Duplicate Content on SEO

Duplicate content affects SEO because Google can’t tell which page to include in the search. Google will not show the two pages containing the same content. The crawlers may not be able to decide which one to prefer so that it will ditch both.

Final Words

If you have to make a copy of one or two posts, doing it manually would take less time than installing a plugin.

Using a plugin will effectively save your time if you have to duplicate several posts. But if there is no need, uninstall the plugins.

Hope you know now how to duplicate a page in WordPress. Leave your issues in the comments.

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